Welcome to Trinity Community Services

Best place for you to live happy and healthy lives

Navigating complexities together.

Welcome to Trinity Community Services

Best place for you to live happy and healthy lives

We are inclusive of everyone

We empower individuals to make decisions and achieve fulfilling and rewarding lives.
Trinity Community Services


Our vision is to promote a culture of transparency, openness and honesty at all levels, all the time. Our core ethos is to support people to achieve positive outcomes.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to create and maintain a positive working relationship. We’re constantly learning and looking for new ways to improve our services and the way we deliver them.


We provide a culture that empowers the people we work with to fulfill their potential. We work together with families too, so they are always fully involved in their loved one’s care while they are with us.

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Our focus is to provide a quality and cost effective service for individuals

Our Services

Community Nursing

Our nurses provide compassionate, comprehensive, and person-centered care to people with disabilities. Because of cognitive, physical, and communication challenges often faced by people with disabilities, we strive to be sensitive to their needs…

Short Term Accommodation/ Respite

Caring for others, while rewarding, can also be exhausting. Respite care is the provision of short-term accommodation in a facility outside the home in which a loved one may be placed.  Respite can be provided in the home or out of the home, during the day, evenings or overnight…

Innovative Community Participation

Community integration for people living with disabilities creates inclusive, diverse societies. Participation in community life is vital for health and wellbeing, promoting a sense of belonging, networks of social support and opportunities for physical activity and life course opportunities….

Support Coordination

This is an NDIS funded service that’s designed to help NDIS participants to coordinate the supports in their NDIS Plan to get the best out of their NDIS funding. Supports include informal, mainstream, community and funded supports….

Cleaning Services

Everyone enjoys their quality of life and is more socially active when their living space is clean and presentable. We assist elderly and people living with disabilities who along with their families rely on us to provide a house cleaning service with specialized tasks….

Accommodation/ Tenancy Assistance

The need to provide accommodation for people living with a disability is critical. Offering people a better choice of accommodation to suit their changing needs can help them live independently for longer, feel more connected to their communities and help reduce costs to the social care and health systems…

Assist Personal Activities (High-Intensity)

Trinity Community Services is here to assist and/or supervise various personal activities of daily life of participants who require a high level of support. The supports are provided by a worker with additional qualifications and experience relevant to the participant’s complex needs….

Assist Personal Activities

Some people living with disabilities may require personal assistance to facilitate their full inclusion and participation in the family and community. Our services help which meets their needs and enables them to lead active and fulfilling lives….

Assist- Travel/Transport

Transportation is an extremely important issue for those living with disabilities. If you or someone you care for is living with a disability and needs help to get around, Trinity Community Services will be your best choice….

Assist Daily Tasks/Shared Living

People living with motor and cognitive disabilities face hardships in daily life due to the limited accessibility and inclusiveness of living spaces which limit their autonomy and independence. Shared Living correlate with social inclusion and increases the feelings of well-being and esteem….

Development of Daily Living and Live Skills

When a person is living with a disability, a range of skills can be affected and limit one’s ability to be independent. We focus on the importance of helping individuals with special needs learn the skills to become more independent….

Household Tasks

Chores at home can lead to greater success in vocational settings, especially with regard to taking responsibility and learning to respect authority. We believe that everyone has the right to live a life that is as full and active as possible….

Assistive Products for Household Tasks

It refers to any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals living with disabilities. This promotes greater independence by enabling people to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish, or had great difficulty accomplishing…

Participation in Community, Social & Civic Activities

Connecting with other people is a crucial and enriching part of our life. We support individuals living with a disability to engage actively in the community and take part in activities which promote their wellbeing and independence….


Group/Centre-Based Activities

Encouraging and enabling group activity is at the core of our philosophy. Trinity Community Services promote group activities to help disabled individuals build their social skills, gain extra support from their peers and develop trust in others….

ADHD Coaching

ADHD coaching is a personalized and empowering journey designed to support individuals in understanding and managing the complexities of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It aims to unlock potential, enhance strengths, and navigate challenges associated with ADHD.

ADHD Assessment

It is a comprehensive process involving evaluations by qualified professionals to diagnose and understand the presence and impact of ADHD. This assessment aims to provide clarity, inform treatment plans, and guide tailored interventions to support individuals in managing their symptoms effectively.

Medication Management

 It involves collaboration between healthcare professionals and individuals to find the right medication, dosage, and timing that best addresses their specific needs. Regular monitoring, adjustments, and discussions about potential side effects or concerns are integral to medication management. 

Alternative Therapy (Medicinal Cannabis)

Medicinal cannabis, renowned for its potential in managing various health conditions, is offered under expert guidance and supervision. We prioritize safety, education, and personalized treatment plans, empowering individuals to explore alternative paths towards improved well-being.

Opioid Replacement Therapy Program

An opioid replacement therapy program is to assist individuals in overcoming opioid addiction. This program includes counseling, support services, and medical monitoring to promote recovery, reduce the risk of relapse, and support individuals in rebuilding their lives.

Weight Loss Management

Weight loss management involves a multifaceted approach to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. It encompasses personalized strategies that combine dietary changes, physical activity, behavior modification, and sometimes medical interventions. 

Medication Management

 It involves collaboration between healthcare professionals and individuals to find the right medication, dosage, and timing that best addresses their specific needs. Regular monitoring, adjustments, and discussions about potential side effects or concerns are integral to medication management. The goal is to optimize the medication’s effectiveness, minimize side effects, and ensure it complements other therapeutic interventions.

Plant Based Treatment

A plant-based treatment program emphasizes the use of natural, plant-derived elements such as herbs, supplements, and nutrition to promote healing and wellness. By focusing on whole foods, herbal remedies, and nutritional balance, a plant-based treatment program aims to optimize health, boost immunity, and potentially alleviate symptoms of certain conditions. 

Opioid Replacement Therapy Program

An opioid replacement therapy program is to assist individuals in overcoming opioid addiction. This program is often part of a comprehensive approach that includes counseling, support services, and medical monitoring to promote recovery, reduce the risk of relapse, and support individuals in rebuilding their lives without the harmful effects of opioid addiction.

Trinity Community Services

It’s about trust - A responsive, proactive and preventative approach

From children to seniors, our focus remains unwavering: fostering mental wellness across all ages and stages of life. With a team of licensed and experienced professionals, we specialize in various forms of therapy, counseling, psychiatric evaluation, and medication management.

Specialist services, Value for money
Nurturing Minds, Tailored Care Plans
What we do

We inspire and empower you to become your best version!!

Our team is fully trained and has all the resources to provide high levels of support to meet the most complex of needs. Our nursing services support individuals who require a step-down facility from acute services or a step-up from community based services. Each service supports varied client groups covering all levels of disability: severe and complex problems.

Independent living

Licensed Professionals

Comprehensive Online Therapy


Our work portfolio for inspiration

What Our Customers Say

Trinity Community Services understands the urgency of mental health care. Their timely appointments have been a lifeline for me. When I needed support the most, they were there, ready to listen and guide me through tough times. The impact of prompt care on my well-being has been immeasurable.

Patrice Wilkinson

Their Community Participation Services helped my father in need to reach his full potential and live an independent, happy life. If you or someone you love, whether young or elderly, needs help and support in their own home, you should trust Trinity Community Services completely.


Trinity Community Services' virtual accessibility meant I could access an appointment without delay, no matter where I was. Their responsiveness and commitment to offering timely care truly made a difference in my healing process. Their availability and swift response helped me feel supported and guided when I needed it most.

Cheryl Brown

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0450 436 236

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