Community Nursing

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Our intent is to support people with disabilities, by respecting and understanding differences and enabling them to realize their full potential. Our nursing care focuses on providing opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in activities that promote self-determination and enhance quality of life. Our skilled nurses provide care that enables people with complex care needs to live fully with as much physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being as possible. Having a developmental disability does not automatically mean the person lacks capacity or requires guardianship. We believe that with proper support, some can be active participants in their own health care decisions.

Our utmost priority is to give you complete peace of mind as we work with you. We have an extensive caring, skilled team and specialist providers to meet all your care needs. We can tailor your Nursing Care Services to meet your individual needs. Our in-home care services can help you or a loved one remain in your own home, promoting well-being and recovery from illness. Our nurses also look after people whose health may be particularly vulnerable, such as older people, children, or people with learning disabilities. They visit people at home to give health care, for example, changing dressings or giving injections. They also help people get any home nursing aids and equipment they need. They can offer help and advice on a wide range of health issues. They may also teach families basic care-giving skills.

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