Assist Daily Personal Activities (High-Intensity)

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  • Assist Daily Personal Activities (High-Intensity)

 Our person-centered approach means we can work with individuals living with a disability with high-intensity needs to help them live their best life. We support individuals with everyday tasks to empower them to live as independently as they can. We support people we work with in all areas of their daily lives – working closely with them so that we can help them to develop a sense of trust and connection with our teams so that we can make a real difference. We work to support good living practices and habits as quickly and smoothly as possible. Some individuals we work with have complex needs which make living independently extremely difficult. Everyday tasks can present significant challenges for these individuals – from waking up in the morning to going to sleep at night and everything in between. We can offer a depth of tailored support that other organisations can’t. We have a unique insight and ability which enables us to provide the very best support for the individuals we work with.

When an individual living with a disability with complex needs first comes to us we work with them to complete an in-depth assessment of the challenges they face. 

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